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Controller Description






​External accessories interface terminal 1-20

①External door open signal
②Safety light signal 1
12V power supply
⑤Internal door open signal
⑥Safety light signal 2
⑧Forced door open signal
Emergency signal (open door maintenance)
Door opening stop, safety signal

GND for electronic lock
12V power supply
Lock mode (electronic lock device)
⑮Auto mode (bidirectional)
Access control (one-way mode)
Partial open mode
⑱Enable maintenance mode
⑲External hand switch
Internal hand switch

​Controller Interface Distribution

①External accessory interface (switch, probe, etc.)
②Safety electric eye interface (left blue and right black, connect up to two pairs)
24V DC power supply
④Backup power interface
Motor power cord
Motor control line

​Controller common menu

0.1  Door opening speed, the default value is 5, the larger the value, the faster the door opening speed
0.2   Door closing speed, the default value is 1, the larger the value, the faster the door closing speed
0.3  Turn on the direction, the default value is 2, 1: clockwise 2: counterclockwise
0.4  Open waiting time, the default value is 4, the larger the value, the longer the waiting time to open the door
0.5  Sensitivity of fast interval impact perception, the default value is 3, the lower the value, the more sensitive
0.6  Shock sensitivity in low speed range, the default value is 3, the lower the value, the more sensitive
0.9  The amount of current to maintain when the door is closed, the default value is 2, the smaller the value, the lower the current value
52   Manual door opening sensitivity, the default value is 3, the higher the value, the more difficult it is to manually open the door

​Parameter setting process

Step 1: Click the UP or DOWN button to find the corresponding menu according to the digital display on the LED screen

Step 2: During the valid time, press the SET button for 3 seconds to enter the menu, and the LED displays the current value of the menu
       ! If the valid time has passed, please restart the operation from the first step

Step 3:
Click and press the UP or DOWN key to modify the value of the menu

Step 4: Press and hold the SET button for 3 seconds to save the adjusted parameters
       ! If there is no save operation in step 4, the menu will return to the initial value after power off and on again.

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